Thursday, October 14, 2010

Learning Telekinesis. Step 1 - Believing.

Forty ears ago figureskaters were convinced that most difficult jump humans could attempt is a double jump. Nowadays skaters easily do four revolutions in the air. In the group of skaters that practice in the same rink, if one learns triple jump, others learn triple jump as soon as they believe they can do it. That is how any sport progresses. Telekinesis is not much different from sport like figureskating: it's all about knowing that it is possible. Learning Telekinesis and learning, lets say Doubleaxel in figure skating is a simular process of acquiring an ability to perform certain action, being prepared, mentally, emotionally, physically, and psychokinetically. I believe, in most records in sports there is great deal of psychokinesis involved. We are affecting our body's kinetics on quantum level with mind without ever realizing that we actually doing it. I was a terible skater back whan I was fifteen. I have spent so much time learning double axel without any progress at all. I saw others doing it and I was doing practically the same exersises and applying same technique, being extremely devoted, but couldn't rotate two and half revolutions, no mater how hard I have tried. Then it came one day suddenly; I realized everything; it was just one simple kinetic sensation that I have never felt before in my life.
New experience came to my mind. In that very moment I was able to do that jump, and more difficult triple jumps I rapidly learned as well.

Sudden flush of instant knowledge, where did it come from? It was like an upgrade for my mind - change of mental settings. I didn't change my jumping technique, just my perception of myself, and perception of reality was altered.
Very often understanding comes on a flash. Unexpected, sudden realization of something new, or something you have tried to figure out passionately for a long time, but couldn't, and there it is, unexpected again. "Why now?" Breakthrough likely to occur when we have no internal dialog, simply because, when we switch off internal dialog instead of saying "we believe that we can do it" we just know we can do it.
Human mind can influence matter on subatomic level. We now consider it a scientific fact. Famous "Double slit experiment" showed that we do affect quantum particles - waves just by observing it. There are people that have mastered telekinetic ability, they are not far, you can find them on You Tube. See what is possible and judge on your own. Some of those videos are very inspirational. Best way to learn something, is to see others doing it. Ability is like a fire that lights from another fire.Genuine video works in that case, but to see it personally even beter. Ability is a hologram - it gets recorded in your mind and gets more detailed, sharpened and refined with an experience. Try to find videos of Nina Kulagina, Uri Geller, New John Chang. See how African shaman performes levitation. Once you start beliving that you can do it you will catch the initial sense of how to do it.

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