Thursday, October 14, 2010

Connect to the power of Nature through Lucid Dreaming.

Living in the urban environment, most of us have limited chances to be with the Nature, as often as we would wanted to. We all know that by spending a few hours in the forest, we would of make ourselves healthier. There is no other known medication to achieve the same result. Simple by thinking of being in the forest, we starting to experience it's healing powers.
In 2002 I have spend five weeks in the jungle of Yocatan Peninsula. During my spiritual journey I had an ithea to practice special meditation technique, that will allow me to become connected to powerfull hiling force ot previously visited Natures environment at will. That technique involve visualisation and projection of memorised sensations of being in the particular place, while consciousness reaching a state of induced lucid dreaming.

When I been found a spot in the jungle that intuitively felt enigmatic to me, I have been making this place an anchor point. To do that, I have been placed myself in the meditative state and focus on collecting sensations, memorizing how everything feels in the particular moment. I would bear my feet. Touch a brunch of a tree with my hand. Close my eyes. Quiescent my Mind. First I would focus on what my hand feel. Bark of a tree actually vibrating. Tree and I become one, feels like through that tree I am touching everything else around. I can feel how forest breasing in unison all through my hand. Then I include focus to my feet as well. Cold moist grass katalizes my energy flow downwards maintaining it's circulation. Brease that make tips on the plants tickle my ankles. That too gets includet in arrey of attention points. Slowly expanding area of highly amplified perseption to include everything I can feel in that very moment. Everything I smell, touch, hear in that moment records as a strong memory.

I open my eyes and copying powerful visual sensation to my mind plane. To do that, I am blinking slowly when my eyes closed I am trying to keep same picture in my mind. Visual Memory gets refind with every cycle I am opening and closing my eyes until I can visualize my environment as sharp as if it's real.

I evaluate my perseption of gravity and magnetic forces, I feel it can sense it different in every place. Process of expanding focus and evaluating every detail of me being in the moment eventionally brining me to sense of extreme connectedness to everything around. That sense is a single thought containing all at ones defines in my single intention to remember that moment.

Now I am redy. I can be enywhere to re-experience same moment, projecting reality that I have prepared in my memory. I start by reaching high degree of initial physical relaxation. With my eyes closed, I am starting to evoke memorized sensations. Expanding my focus same way I did when I have been memorizing it. I first focus on my hand. Memories of the Tree, I have been touching, starting to refine sharper, as I immerse deeper into meditative state. Something as particular tickling sensation on my ankles I had experienced only ones. When unique segments of a memorie pulled into focus, other connected sensation evokes simultaneously. Gradually experience of desired reality starting to dominate over present reality. It fills I am in two places at ones. When I focus on visualizing where I am, it's like opening a minds eyes. That is the moment I wake up into a dream. Only sense of gravity prevent me from entering a Lusid Dream. I still feel connected to physical reality. Now All it takes is a release of your virtual self. I discovered how to trick my mind to diminishe sence of gravity. I had to make myself feel, what we all fill in the plane when it's landing and starting to slow down. Internal sence of inertia is a sensation needet to pass trew into a Dream Reality.

When we project dream reality out of memorie of an existing place, both places are entingled threw our consciousness. In the Lucid Dream we instantly connected to that physical place and it's healing energy.

Learning Telekinesis. Step 1 - Believing.

Forty ears ago figureskaters were convinced that most difficult jump humans could attempt is a double jump. Nowadays skaters easily do four revolutions in the air. In the group of skaters that practice in the same rink, if one learns triple jump, others learn triple jump as soon as they believe they can do it. That is how any sport progresses. Telekinesis is not much different from sport like figureskating: it's all about knowing that it is possible. Learning Telekinesis and learning, lets say Doubleaxel in figure skating is a simular process of acquiring an ability to perform certain action, being prepared, mentally, emotionally, physically, and psychokinetically. I believe, in most records in sports there is great deal of psychokinesis involved. We are affecting our body's kinetics on quantum level with mind without ever realizing that we actually doing it. I was a terible skater back whan I was fifteen. I have spent so much time learning double axel without any progress at all. I saw others doing it and I was doing practically the same exersises and applying same technique, being extremely devoted, but couldn't rotate two and half revolutions, no mater how hard I have tried. Then it came one day suddenly; I realized everything; it was just one simple kinetic sensation that I have never felt before in my life.
New experience came to my mind. In that very moment I was able to do that jump, and more difficult triple jumps I rapidly learned as well.

Sudden flush of instant knowledge, where did it come from? It was like an upgrade for my mind - change of mental settings. I didn't change my jumping technique, just my perception of myself, and perception of reality was altered.
Very often understanding comes on a flash. Unexpected, sudden realization of something new, or something you have tried to figure out passionately for a long time, but couldn't, and there it is, unexpected again. "Why now?" Breakthrough likely to occur when we have no internal dialog, simply because, when we switch off internal dialog instead of saying "we believe that we can do it" we just know we can do it.
Human mind can influence matter on subatomic level. We now consider it a scientific fact. Famous "Double slit experiment" showed that we do affect quantum particles - waves just by observing it. There are people that have mastered telekinetic ability, they are not far, you can find them on You Tube. See what is possible and judge on your own. Some of those videos are very inspirational. Best way to learn something, is to see others doing it. Ability is like a fire that lights from another fire.Genuine video works in that case, but to see it personally even beter. Ability is a hologram - it gets recorded in your mind and gets more detailed, sharpened and refined with an experience. Try to find videos of Nina Kulagina, Uri Geller, New John Chang. See how African shaman performes levitation. Once you start beliving that you can do it you will catch the initial sense of how to do it.

Stereographic Focal Meditation. Visualization of a Hyperspace.

Term Hyperspace often used in science fiction to define multidimensional base for our space-time continium or space with non-Euclidean geometry. Hyperspace may also refer to Zero point Field. In my understanding this terms abstract formulation can be explained with the fact that very few people can actually sensualize what hyperspace can possibly be and even those visions regarding perception of a hyperspace are very different from one another.

According to quantum theory a Hyperspace, is something where and when everything connects to everything else. For me it seems to be logical that in order for our mind to evolve further and gain extrasensory abbilities, we have to get real sense of what Hyperspace is, and what we are in it. In theory, when perception of Hyperspace becomes part of our cognition system we will gain an abbility to use our intentions in a full potential allowing Telepathy, Psychokinesis, Astral Projection and everything else that defines as an abbility to tap to vibrations of Hyperspace and manipulate those vibrations with an intent.

What if Stereographic Images are actually a clue that might help demistify how actual reality gets mentalized. Considering that our mind is a system that interprets waves and vibrations as a Space -Time reality similar to how it interprets rythm of music or visual pattern of a stereogram. When we view a stereogram, we actually perceive 2D image as space with an additional dimension which we perceive similar to depth. Stereogram Pixel Entanglementformulates space that only exists in our mind. If Entangled Pixels are closer to one another in 2D plane we perceive them fuerther back in relation to initial zero plain whan viewing same image as a stereogram. Experience of a Stereogram is an example of how we can perceive space with non Euclidean geometry. All that could mean that an experience of a stereogramm can help meditator to sensualize hyperspace.

Theoretically focal meditation with use of stereograms is a way to trigger shift of consciousness towards expending percepatory boundaries of our cognition system.

Taking all that into consideration Binaural FX team has designed "Fount of Awakening" - Stereographic Focal Meditation Session with tranquality stimulated binaural beat. With "Fount of Awakening" you are about to make a leap of evolutionary transformation of your mind, by learning how to focus and tune your consciousness to change perception of multiple rythmic patterns. "Fount of Awakening" is an experience that is impossible to describe with words, sounds, pictures or enything else, unless it is granted by your own mind. When working with "Fount of Awakening" initial goal for Meditator is to maintain presence of attention point in the simulated Hyperspace tunning to sharper more defined audio-visual experience. Meditator may experience the field connection between mind and reality presented with a stereographic image.

"Fount of Awakening" - is for advanced stereogram viewers. To tune to dynamic stereogram is more difficult then to experience stereogram as single stationary image. Indeed, people that are capable experiencing stereograms display pottential to develop extrasensory abbilities.

Stereoscopic Visual Stimulators Invokes Hypersensory Perception

Electronic devices that use light impulses to promote transcendental meditative states have been around for a long time. The technology is based on the fact that brainwaves have a tendency to change with light based mind stimulation of certain frequencies. This phenomenon is known as entrainment. Utilizing the entrainment effect on the human mind, the BinauralFX team has designed Stereoscopic Visual Stimulators that are able to induce a deep meditative state in a very short time. These visuals are tailored to awaken hypersensory perception, which ultimately allows the mind to further evolve. It's truly fascinating how the human mind interprets visual rhythmical patterns, ones hypersensory perception are engaged mind starting to tune on repeatable visual patterns with a similar algorithm it tunes to music in the normal state, distortion of that pattern are gets interpreted as an alternate reality. People who are able to see the 4th dimension in stereograms would really understand that idea. BinauralFX stereo visuals are a multidimensional experience program, where the mind can tune to visual patterns presented on many visual layers as well as a binaural sound beat. The deeper the concentration – the further the Rabbit will go down the hole. Anaglyph 3D is the best medium founded so far to present described experiences. Meditators need to wear red and blue lens glasses to experience the full effect. Experience Includes: Astonishing stereoscopic surreal animation with incredible complexity, art that catches all your attention. Multiple parallax effect with embedded convergence fluctuation. Texture dynamic entrainment. Bifocal Time Delation. (Each Eye sees the same event in microseconds apart. The mind can interpret that as the fourth dimension) These meditation sessions are absolutely new and an experimental product, but already have had incredible results. To invoke hypersensory perception, Concentrate on your inner experience. Abstract Video would trigger abstract vibration of your mind, it's like tuning the radio, you experience different combination of frequencies, and make great discoveries within yourself. Slowly, vibrations that you feel will correspond to visual patterns and become part of your aura. When these sensations occur, do not be frightened by them. Concentrate on this feeling, and immerse yourself entirely in this vibration. Try to Find a place in your mind where this vibration begins, it is origin of your thoughts (extremely difficult spot to find, since it doesn't have physical space coordinates, thinking more than three-dimentionally requires you to find that place, If you are convinced of solidity of matter you would never find it, Not only think Abstract but also feel Abstract.) Hold Up the state of immersion that you have and start to Concentrate on the Origin, Use your Will power to amplify those vibrations. Abstract visions in Your Mind are now creating pure energy. Live though this moment and Enjoy It.

Lucid Dreaming Fundamentals

Few aspects are imperative in achieving the right state of mind in which lucid dreaming can become possible. Maintaining brain wave activity similar to a normal dream state, while retaining a conscious awareness of yourself, being immersed in a Visualized dreamscape - virtual reality, created by your mind. There are several ways to successfully achieve a state of lucid dreaming. Through meditation, when you use Imagination and mind concentration to project a virtual reality, or work out a thought "am I dreaming?" when you are awake often and intensely enough at some point that thought will occur in your dream, that particular thought will call for your awareness to rise, triggering a state of lucid dreaming.

In theory present reality directly linked to our mind, which actively participates in changing reality. Mind - matter interaction a constant process which is controlled subconsciously, however with practice we can train ourselves to control matter with our conscious mind, allowing psychokinetic powers over material objects. When we lucid dream our abilities are limitless, everything we wish instantly can become real, we are the gods of our own designed reality. But, when we first enter this state we are powerless, limited with the same constraints that exists in the real world. Single thought acknowledging that this is a dream thus allowing ourselves to reset limits. Lucid Dreaming is like a sand box, in theory if our mind was ever designed, lucid dreaming is the feature added there, so we can test our newly developed abilities to alter our minds limits, before that would gradually reflect in the real world. If you participate in any sport, imagine the possibilities lucid dreaming could offer you. In a state of lucid dreaming you can run or jump at any speed or intensity, that form of practice, will expend your minds limits, and that will reflect on your records in present reality. People, who have psychic abilities often realized that, while they was dreaming.

Some mental exercises to try, these may be helpful to you in successfully entering a state of lucid dreaming:

Envision yourself inside of a simple environment it can be a borderless plane or the simplest white box, discard any of your thoughts that do not relate to the environment that you envision, try to move inside of that environment, in the same way you move in the real world, eventually it will start to feel real.
Simply try to think of yourself and the real world you are in , as somebody else's thought (remember it is just an exercise). I think, "What if ..." category of thoughts , are imperative to initiate independent thinking . These are key thoughts that drive the process of changing initial values that limit our abilities, by accepting possibilities we can change values of our mental settings and evolve.
Immerse yourself in absolute emptiness, think of absolutely nothing only you looking at yourself in the mirror, quiescent your mind and maintain your vision while entering a dream state, once you are there it will start to feel real.
I do believe that the practice of lucid dreaming eventually initiates evolution in consciousness and the thought "am I awake?" or "am I sleeping?" these thoughts trigger hyper state of awareness, a true awakening - full realization of who you really are, beyond the realm of physical existence, a state of consciousness where connection to your hypermind can be established, that is when we can be truly awakened.

Telekinesis - A theory that makes it possible.

We made rapid progress after realizing that the Earth was not flat, but no matter what evolutionary stage we are at in terms of understanding existence, we could always still be wrong in our interpretations. I wrote my telekinesis article based on my vision of elementary existence with one purpose only - to help set your mind to enable telekinetic abilities - and not as an attempt to teach science.

To master an ability to influence the kinetic properties of an object, it is imperative to change your perception and understanding of what that object is - what exactly it is you are trying to move! Lets say I have a pair of plastic sun glasses in front of me - I am planning an attempt to move them across the table. If I think of it as a solid object, it wont matter what kind of visualization techniques or energy manipulation I try, there will be no result whatsoever. Now, let's look at that same pair of glasses on an elementary level. Molecules with distances between their protons and electrons are proportional to distances of a planetary system - and subatomic particles themselves are also made of energy and information. If we look at these glasses on an elementary level, they not really existing as a material object, they are simply made up of energy and information - fluctuations of a Zero Point Field. According to Quantum Theory, particles like electron only forms as one, ones observed, wave changed its properties and receive somewhat fixed position in space, materialized as a particle. Another way to look at it, as if ones processed with mind their is a record in your mind that control properties of that particle. My personal understanding is - particle has two components fluctuation of Zero Point Field and a node in your mind that control your personal perception of that particle, its position and other properties in your virtual space and time. Node and a wave are interconnected, so same node are also contained within a Zero Point Field.
So, there is a glasses in front of me, that is really just series of nodes in my mind that control fluctuations of a Zero point Field, that I perceive as a glasses. These fluctuations are waves, they have properties such frequency, phase, amplitude, those waves interact with each other forming stream of energy and information that our mind process as reality.
To enable telekinesis, we have to also change perception of what we are. We are made of the same stuff like the glasses and everything else in the reality we experience are the same kind of fluctuation of Zero point field, on the elementary level we are also just an energy and information. We are neither as solid or as dense as we like to perceive ourselves. In comparison to glasses every particle of our body constantly controlled with our consciousness, So on quantum level of reality any body movements, or moving objects conventionally using body parts, are not so different from telekinesis, Think of it as If I take glasses with my hand and move them forward, On the Quantum level pocket of Energy and Fluctuation that controlled with my consciousness that formed my Body are in immediate proximity to packet of energy and Information that formed glasses, ones I touch glasses energy of a glasses and my become coherent, on the level of Information - Transform Nodes that are in control of a particles location of a glasses get parented to transform nodes of my hand. So I have moved the glasses, my reality changed, to be more exact information of the transform node of a glasses has changed. I think the most important aspect for us in understanding Telekinesis is to allow an assumption that your consciousness is not limited within your body's nervous system, it is connected to everything that you are aware of. Everything you can sense, you should be able focus on and control with your mind. When I look at the glasses, my consciousness instantly connects to them. Information exchange gets established. The more I focus my attention on the glasses, the more I sense them. The vibration of the glasses becomes coherent with my own, and that object then becomes part of me and no longer feels like a separate object. Even if I am not touching those glasses, I can sense them like an energy field - the vibration, dynamics and I can also see an aura around them. If you have that kind of experience, you can influence that object without touching it.

Understanding how to focus on an object is the key factor. If we just stare at the glasses with our eyes, we will not move them. Instead, we have to focus on the node inside our minds that forms those glasses. Everything that is happening in reality is actually happening in our minds. If we move the glasses in our mind, by changing the values of the transform node, reality will adjust accordingly and the glasses will move. I am not talking about just visualizing how the glasses move but In order to move them, the entire experience of the glasses should change. Think of that experience as a set of brainwaves. By adjusting the frequency, phase and amplitude of those waves, you can change the values of a transformation node and move that object.

Trying for the first time.

Everybody fails the first time! This does not mean anything except it defines you as having an open mind. Most importantly, the quality of the human mind is being opened to different possibilities. Only truly openminded people can achieve telekinesis. So, adjust your mind and start believing that you can do it. Take a pair of glasses and put them on the table in front of you. The surface of the table should offer little or no resistance and the glasses must be able to glide easily across the table surface. Move the glasses with your hand, let's say 500 to 10000 times. Do not count and repeat this same move in time and space using exactly the same trajectory, temp and amplitude. Personally I like to move them outward. When you do it, only concentrate your attention on how you perceive the glasses inside your mind. Try not to think of the object moving, just try and experience the object moving. Remember that it is not a material object! Focus on your experience, sensing what changes in your mind.
At some point try to anticipatethe moving experience with your mind just before you actually move that object with your hand. If you are in the right state of mind, you will start to feel that the glasses are responding to your thoughts. As long as you touch the glasses with your hand, it is alot easier to make them responsive.

I recommend that at first you practise getting the right feelings actually touching the objects physically. The hand has a more active nervous system and is the most receptive to energy and vibrations. It is a good idea to start by influencing an object while you're touching it with your finger or hand. Try telekinetically to move an object while you have one finger on top of it. Also rolling a pen on top of your hand. As you advance you can place a pair of glasses on a piece of glossy cardboard, and in this way you can sense the glasses through the cardboard. When they start vibrating under the influence of your mind, increase the thickness of the cardboard.
Certain Binaural Beats and Stereoscopic Visual Stimulators help to trigger particular Theta brainwave activity that correspond to specific states of consciousness in which telekinetic and other paranormal abilities occur. I recommend using this technology as it will dramatically increase your chances of mastering telekinesis by helping you set the right brainwaves. Once you get a sense of it, you will be able to get there without the help of external stimulators.
Building telekinetic power is very similar to building the muscles! Exercise daily and remember the results actually come when you rest. Be creative - try everything! Whatever exercise ideas come to mind! Do not think words, think actions! Believe that you are dreaming, even if you are awake. In a dream, you can do anything you want, if you know that it is a dream. Well - thinking quantum physics in the reality you are in is not that different from a dreamstate, and actually allows the same freedom for your powerful mind. Free your mind and explore the endless possibilities of being human!

Metamorphosis of mind.

Nothing is ever lost, nothing is ever created, everything is constantly transforming.

When I think of how operating system that controls every aspect of our existence originates and operates, I am inclined to think of it with analogy to form of mind that has same source and origin as our mind. If everything in existence originates from the same source, than our mind must be derived from that source as well. Invision an outburst of pure data that is capable of replication, randomization and organization of itself.

Try to invision what that would be, if you immersed in the complete emptiness without your physical body. Just yourself aware of your mind and nothing else. If you are ready, your imagination and will power would make you a God of reality, that will be created by you - imaginative reality. Question is - "How that reality is different from the one we are in right now?"

If we assume the common theory, that our Universe in the elementary level is build of Fluctuations of a Zero Point Field, and taking into consideration a reasonable assumption, that our mind can influence, control and even produce these fluctuations, we can realize that Imagination could be the key of creation itself. Mind can transform reality by imagining changes of a common reality - reality made up of energy and information within the fluctuations of a Zero Point Field.
You are likely to ask: "Why when we visualize these changes, it does not work?"
Default settings of our mind has enabled Safety protocol. Limitations that our own mind sets are necessary to prevent us from self destruction. Most people simply are not ready. Like a chrysalis waiting to be transformed to a butterfly, Human Mind goes through stages of metamorphosis. We are here preparing for the next transformation. Intuitively I sense that next metamorphic step in evolution of human mind will be based on our concsious will to boldly explore our hidden abilities, not only to affect reality directly with our thoughts, but to exist beyond realm of physical reality.
Actual realization of a holographic principle, that everything in the existence is connected to everything else, and contained within everything else, somehow make me start thinking with an analogy to highly advanced 3d simulation software.
You may be familiar with computer program called Maya. That is just an example. Same principles apply to many advanced 3d applications. Such programs build based on Hierarchy of a separate units called nodes. Data evaluated by passing from node to node downstream direction, and as a result, creating virtual reality, that can basically simulate anything that can take place in the material world. Those nodes can be created and rearranged with absolute freedom, so Maya can be reorganized into Tetris, or even bookkeeping software. I am not entitled to suggest, that Maya software somehow works like mind of the universe. I simply like to invite you to a conversation that will expand limits of your imagination in regards to how it possible to perceive the universe, and it's hyperdimensions.
Can independent Self-Aware mind forms connect into single unifying platform, similar to nodes of a 3D program? We operate by receiving data within range of a certain frequencies through our sensors, evaluate it with our mind, and then we export our response data back to the system. If we learn how to consciously format that form of data, we can effectively make adjustments to reality, even override common laws of existence, just by expressing compatible protothought.

When I write "our mind", I mean an establishment of nodes, that process and exchange information and, as a final output, creates vibrations that forms our reality.

Node of Self-Awareness - a part of our mind, that keeps us consciously aware , is within a certain range of frequencies that forms our cognitive system. By Default, Self-Awareness Node connected low in the hierarchy of nodes, is keeping our experiences limited. Our hyper mind filters out the information we are not ready to perceive. Space and Time are also Nodes of the same establishment, here in the system, they evaluate data, forming our perception of space and time. Fluctuations of Zero Point Field are likely exists outside of our space time continium. To restructure your mind, reprogram ourselves, establish new connections between nodes, all we need is to understand programming language, actual minds proto encryption. Only one tool exists to learn about our mind, is actually mind itself. Initial understanding of logic , programming and basic principles of an evolution stream, can bring us closer to understanding what mind is, but, the rest we are not meant to learn on the material level.

Logic of Formlesnes

What could of been first object ever imagined by an anchient biological organism ? Simplest visual thought for us is - a dot, a line, a circle, or a sphere. These forms are simple for us, because our world is based on that form. Original thoughts of the single cell organism must have been significantly different from ours. Assuming single cell is consciously aware of itself, its thoughts likely to be corresponding with vibrations and frequencies of a substanse that that cell is immersed in. Wave itself is likely to be the first object imagined - a protothought and not its visual representation, that we are getting through our common perception, but, in case of a single cell, a deviation of a recording of an electromagnetic frequency fluctuation of a substance when its influences a sensitive membrane of a cell. If mind of a cell can influence vibrations of its own invironment, then we can assume, that by replicating thoughts of that cell, we could establish mind-matter interaction. Protothoughts are a code language universe that understands and reacts to. Learn that language and you will have real power to change reality. Research on people with psychic abilities would reveal that consciously or subconsciously they utilize process of concentrating on protothoughts and controlling them.

Think of only a Dot, imagine it on your mental plane. Keep Dot in your mind and concentrate on your actual experience. It takes deep concentration to realize it. Dot you have visualized on your mental plane is created by vibrations - the protothougts.

When you first try to imagine Infinite Straight Line, that passes through your mental plane and continues without limits in both directions, it is most likely to be just a segment of that line. By default, our imagination is limited to what we have experienced before. When you first try to invision an infinite line, it is going to be a distance from horizon to horizon of any measurable space, you have experienced. If we experience that line in the transcendental meditation state, we would experience same line in an elementary level, perceiving that line through a protothought. Line will be a set of vibrations and frequencies of your mind, at that moment you can experience real infinity.
Like a binary code -at the base of an operating system of a computor, allows only limited range of settings allowed for manipulation though a user interface, and is infinitely unlimited through a binary code commands. Protothoughts are at the base of our mind. Consciously, we can only access our mind user interface. Subconsciously, in transcendental meditation state, we have access to adjust the frequency, phase and amplitude of a protothought, gaining potentially unlimited abilities. After you have read this article, I like to present you with food for thought:

Let's say, you are Alice dreaming of Mad Hatter, and in the dream Mad Hatter is making dostigens - acts on changes of reality, adapts, or even creates his own reality. Question is - "If he is Alice's dream, is it the Alice's mind responsible for Mad Hatter or he is controlled by his own self aware node?"

Symmetry, Rhythm and Mind.

Exploring Similarities of Chants, Mantras, Enchant Symbols

and Modern Audio - Visual Psycho Stimulators.

Greek term "symmetria" - interpreted, as the harmony of the different parts of an object, the equal proportions between its constituent parts. "Rythmos" means "wave" in Greek.
Ever since I remember myself, I have been always fascinated with the Butterflies. Somehow intuitively I always looked at them as a clue in front of my eyes to understand the biggest mystery of nature. Butterfly transforms from most ugliest caterpillar to the most heavenly creature, through several stages of metamorphosis, but that is not what I intended to point out.
Among millions of combinations of forms, prints and colors there is newer noncorresponding combination of these variables on any of wings. All wings are the greatest masterpiece. Each is unique. Like conscious artist with perfect sense of color did that as pure artistic manifestation.
Butterfly is an ancient symbol of redemption and regeneration - an interconnected world. Like many other Ancient Symbols of Magic, Astrology, Zodiac, and Alchemy it's geometry based on a common single axis Symmetry. Hexagram, Mandala, Monad, Triquetra, All Seeing Eye, Alchemy, Wand, Athame, Blessing Moon, Cross, Dream Catcher, Elven Star, Hathor, Horned God, Hecates Wheel, Horned Pentagram, Iron Cross, Masonic Compass, Paleolithic Goddess, Pentacle, Solar Cross, Triple Moon Goddess, Ankh, Symbols of Air, Earth, Fire and Water, Unicursal Hexagram, Wheel of the Year, Druid World Tree, Infinity - they all posess single axis Symmetry.
Observing wings of a Butterfly, I also realized that subconscious workings of our perceptual system evaluates single axis Symmetry of any pattern a lot different then it would have been just a single side of the same pattern. Single axis symmetry patterns suggests rhythm, repetition, mathematical continuity, and intelligent thought behind it. Visual Experience of a single axis Symmetry are Hypnotic since it alters our mental state. When we see a symmetrical shape our cognition alters, we subconsciously focus on symmetrical objects, initiating implicit (intersubjective) acceptance in perceiving them through higher sensory channels.
Most of Ancient Prayers, Chants and Mantras are repetitive continuation of same verbal vibration. Om Namah Shivay, Hare Krishna Mantra, Gayatri, Om Mani Padme Hum, Soham - just a few examples. The sound made by flowing water is a mantra. Within a human body sounds which repeat themselves constantly, such breathing and a heartbeat - is also a mantra.
" Just by repeating the name, that which can not be understood Will be understood just by repeating the name that which can not be seen Will be seen." - Jnaneshwar
Rhythm brings phonetic significance to mantras, giving them power to do miraculous changes to meditator's mind. Similarly, experience of a symmetry balances and harmonizes it.
Symmetry is in space as Rhythm is in time.They are Universe's mechanisms that transform chaos into harmonious arrangement, initiate consonance (unity) between the whole and its parts, brings order and beauty to the infinite complexity of everything that exists. They control behavior of quantum particles and galaxies. They are bases for elementary logic, part of our mind and a mind of the universe. They are nodes of proto encryption of existence itself, initial principles of a protothoughts. They are the initiations of a living force.
In theory, our mind tends to be coherent with rhythmic patterns of any object that we focus through our visual, tactile, proprio, and audio perception. Our mentation alters the moment we experience any quality or state of cohering, especially a logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent in relationship of commensurable parts.
Binaural FX team constructed Binaural Audio-Visual Mantra Loops - meditation sessions. Through use of a single axis symmetry, dynamically synchronized with the repeatable rhythmical continuation of a visual patterns, viewer can experience visual information as we experience sound.
According to the ancient belief in the beginning there was sound, which is reverberated as "Om". "Sound of Om" is a base of existence. Modern knowledge suggests that vibration of zero point field as a virtual sound of absolute is the essence of reality - a clue that we can experience reality in many different ways. Binaural Audio-Visual Mantras will show the way to experience of altered realities become possible.